Shuttle Lotion First Aid Lotion and Spay
Shuttle Lotion First Aid Lotion and Spay
Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is a common skin condition, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units, skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland via androgen stimulation.
Acne Symptoms:
Acne is most common during adolescence, affecting more than 85% of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood. The cause in adolescence is generally an increase in male sex hormones, which people of both genders accrue during puberty. [2] For most people, acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear—or at the very least decrease—after one reaches one's early twenties. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take to disappear entirely, and some individuals will continue to suffer well into their thirties, forties and beyond.
Symptoms Of Acne:
Acne is characterized by noninflammatory follicular papules or comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules in its more severe forms. Acne vulgaris affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, blemishes, spots, zits, or acne.
Treatment of Acne with Shuttle Lotion:
There are many products available for the treatment of acne, many of which are without any scientifically-proven effects. Generally speaking, successful treatments show little improvement within the first two weeks, instead taking a period of approximately three months to improve and start flattening out. Many treatments that promise big improvements within two weeks are likely to be largely disappointing. However, Shuttle Lotion has been proven to give very quick results over other treatments and can rapidly improve some active spots.
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itching of affected areas. It is typically transmitted in moist areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses. Although the condition typically affects the feet, it can spread to other areas of the body, including the groin.
Symptoms of Athletes Foot:
Athlete's foot causes scaling, flaking, and itching of the affected skin. Blisters and cracked skin may also occur, leading to exposed raw tissue, pain, swelling, and inflammation. Secondary bacterial infection can accompany the fungal infection, sometimes requiring a course of oral antibiotics.
The infection can be spread to other areas of the body, such as the groin, and usually is called by a different name once it spreads, such as tinea corporis on the body or limbs and tinea cruris (jock itch or dhobi itch) for an infection of the groin. Tinea pedis most often manifests between the toes, with the space between the fourth and fifth digits most commonly afflicted
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
There are many conventional medications (over-the-counter and prescription) as well as alternative treatments for fungal skin infections, including athlete's foot. Important with any treatment plan is the practice of good hygiene. Several placebo controlled studies report that good foot hygiene alone can cure athlete's foot even without medication in 30-40% of the cases. The remainder of the time requires a topical treatment such as Shuttle Lotion. Applied twice daily to the infected area, Shuttle Lotion has the ability to cure Athletes foot no matter where on the body it might spread.
Bedsores, more properly known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, are lesions caused by many factors such as: unrelieved pressure; friction; humidity; shearing forces; temperature; age; continence and medication; to any part of the body, especially portions over bony or cartilaginous areas such as sacrum, elbows, knees, ankles etc. Although easily prevented and completely treatable if found early, bedsores are often fatal – even under the auspices of medical care – and are one of the leading iatrogenic causes of death reported in developed countries, second only to adverse drug reactions.
Symptoms of Bedsores:
The definitions of the four pressure ulcer stages are revised periodically by the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) in the United States. Briefly, however, they are as follows:
Stage I is the most superficial, indicated by non blanchable redness that does not subside after pressure is relieved. This stage is visually similar to reactive hyperemia seen in skin after prolonged application of pressure. Stage I pressure ulcers can be distinguished from reactive hyperemia in two ways: a) reactive hyperemia resolves itself within 3/4 of the time pressure was applied, and b) reactive hyperemia blanches when pressure is applied, whereas a Stage I pressure ulcer does not. The skin may be hotter or cooler than normal, have an odd texture, or perhaps be painful to the patient. Although easy to identify on a light-skinned patient, ulcers on darker-skinned individuals may show up as shades of purple or blue in comparison to lighter skin tones.
Stage II is damage to the epidermis extending into, but no deeper than, the dermis. In this stage, the ulcer may be referred to as a blister or abrasion.
Stage III involves the full thickness of the skin and may extend into the subcutaneous tissue layer. This layer has a relatively poor blood supply and can be difficult to heal. At this stage, there may be undermining damage that makes the wound much larger than it may seem on the surface.
Stage IV pressure ulcer
Stage IV is the deepest, extending into the muscle, tendon or even bone.
Unstageable pressure ulcers are covered with dead cells, or eschar and wound exudate, so the depth cannot be determined.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
The most important thing to keep in mind about the treatment of bedsores is that the most optimal outcomes find their roots in a multidisciplinary approach; by using a team of specialists, there is a better chance that all bases will be covered in treatment.
There are six major contributors to healing:
Debridement * Infection Control * Nutritional Support * Proper Care * Caregiver Education * Wound intervention
Shuttle Lotion has been proven effective in treatment of bedores in Stage 1 & 2. If you believe that your symptoms have moved into a more serious stage please consult your physician immediately!
A bee sting strictly means a sting from a bee (honey bee, bumblebee, sweat bee etc). In the vernacular it can mean a sting of a bee, wasp, hornet, or yellowjacket. Some people may even call the bite of a horsefly a bee sting. The stings of most of these species can be quite painful, and are therefore an object of dread for many people.
It is important to differentiate a bee sting from an insect bite. It is also important to recognize that the venom or toxin of stinging insects is quite different. Therefore, the body's reaction to a bee sting may differ significantly from one species to another.
The most aggressive stinging insects are vespid wasps (including bald-faced hornets and other yellowjackets) but not hornets in general (e.g., the European hornet is gentle). All of these insects aggressively defend their nests, although they have not developed a sting targeted at mammals like the honey bees.
In people who are allergic to bee stings, a sting may trigger a dangerous anaphylactic reaction that is potentially deadly. Honey bee stings release pheromones that prompt other nearby bees to attack.
Symptoms of Bee Stings:
The severity of a sting is determined by a number of factors. The type of insect, the location of the sting, the number of stings, and the allergic sensitivity of the victim can all affect the outcome. Most people do not have allergic reactions to bee and wasp stings however below are some symptoms related to localised stings:
Chickenpox or chicken pox is a highly contagious illness caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). It generally starts with a vesicular skin rash appearing in two or three waves, mainly on the body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pockmarks, small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.
Chickenpox has an incubation period of 10 to 21 days, and is spread easily through coughs or sneezes of ill individuals, or through direct contact with secretions from the rash. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox.
Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adults than in children. Pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. The most common late complication of chicken pox is shingles, caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus decades after the initial episode of chickenpox.
Symptoms of Chicken Pox:
Chickenpox is a highly infectious disease that spreads from person to person by direct contact or by air from an infected person's coughing or sneezing. Touching the fluid from a chickenpox blister can also spread the disease. A person with chickenpox is infectious from one to five days before the rash appears. The contagious period continues until all blisters have formed scabs, which may take 5 to 10 days. It takes from 10 to 21 days after contact with an infected person for someone to develop chickenpox.
The chicken pox lesions (blisters) start as a two to four millimeter red papule which develops an irregular outline (a rose petal). A thin-walled, clear vesicle (dew drop) develops on top of the area of redness. This "dew drop on a rose petal" lesion is very characteristic of chickenpox. After about 8 to 12 hours the fluid in the vesicle becomes cloudy and the vesicle breaks leaving a crust. The fluid is highly contagious, but once the lesion crusts over, it is not considered contagious. The crust usually falls off after seven days sometimes leaving a crater-like scar. Although one lesion goes through this complete cycle in about seven days, another hallmark of chickenpox is that new lesions crop up every day for several days. Therefore it may be a week before new lesions stop appearing and existing lesions crust over. Children should not be sent back to school until all lesions have crusted over.
It is not necessary to have contact with the infected person for the disease to spread. Infected persons can spread chickenpox before they know they have the disease, i.e. before any rash develops. They can infect others from about two days before the rash develops until all the sores have crusted over, usually four or five days after the rash starts.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Although there have been no formal clinical studies evaluating the effectiveness of topical application of Shuttle Lotion, a topical barrier preparation containing zinc oxide and one of the most commonly used interventions, it has an excellent safety profile. It is important to maintain good hygiene and daily cleaning of skin with warm water to avoid secondary bacterial infection.[citation needed]. Addition of a small quantity of vinegar to the water is sometimes advocated.
To relieve the symptoms of chicken pox, people commonly use anti-itching creams and lotions such as Shuttle Lotion. Shuttle Lotion is not to be used on the face or close to the eyes.
Dermatitis is a blanket term meaning any "inflammation of the skin" (e.g. rashes, etc.). There are several different types of dermatitis. The different kinds usually have in common an allergic reaction to specific allergens. The term may be used to refer to eczema, which is also known as dermatitis eczema or eczematous dermatitis. A diagnosis of eczema often implies childhood or atopic dermatitis, but without proper context, it means nothing more than a "rash".
Symptoms of Dermatitis:
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
The best treatment for any form of Dermatitis is an application of Shuttle Lotion a couple of times each day. The soothing and medicated properties of Shuttle Lotion help relieve itching, redness, dry skin and the mild pain related to Skin Rashes!
Eczema is a form of dermatitis, or inflammation of the epidermis.The term eczema is broadly applied to a range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness and recurring skin rashes which are characterized by one or more of these symptoms: redness, skin edema (swelling), itching and dryness, crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Areas of temporary skin discoloration may appear and are sometimes due to healed lesions, although scarring is rare. In contrast to psoriasis, eczema is often likely to be found on the flexor aspect of joints.
Symptoms of Eczema:
Almost always, there's an itch before a rash appears in eczema. Typically, eczema shows itself as:
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Atopic Dermatitis, commonly known as Eczema, is a chronic site of itchiness on the body. Often associated with allergies, this topical skin irritation can be soothed with Shuttle Lotion’s anti-itch formula. Good for short or long term use. Shuttle lotion helps provide relief to dry patches of itchy skin caused by eczema.
Fire ants are a variety of stinging ants with over 280 species worldwide. They have several common names including Ginger Ants and Tropical Fire Ants. Fire ants can be distinguished from other ants by their copper brown head and body with a darker abdomen. The worker ants are blackish to reddish. These different sizes of the ants can all exist in the same nest.
Symptoms of Fire Ant Bites:
The venom of a fire ant sting causes stinging and swells into a bump. This can cause much pain, skin irritations, itchy skin, and, skin rash at times, especially when stung repeatedly by several at once. The bump often forms into a white pustule, which is at risk of becoming infected if scratched; however, if left alone, it will usually go down within a few days. The pustules are unattractive and uncomfortable while active and, if the sting sites become infected, can turn into scars. Additionally, some people are allergic to the venom and, as with many allergies, may experience anaphylaxis, which requires emergency treatment.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
First aid for fire ant bites includes external treatments and oral medicines:
Patients who experience severe allergic reactions to fire ant insect stings should visit a doctor or hospital immediately upon contact as these reactions can result in death. These more severe reactions include severe chest pain, nausea, severe sweating, loss of breath, serious swelling, or slurred speech.
Miliaria (miliaria rubra, sweat rash, heat rash, or prickly heat) is a skin disease marked by small and itchy rashes. Miliaria is a common ailment in hot and humid conditions, such as in the tropics and during the summer season. Although it affects people of all ages, it is especially common in children and infants due to their underdeveloped sweat glands.
Symptoms of Heat Rash:
There are two common types of miliaria. The plugged pores of miliaria crystallina result in pinpoint sweat blisters with no redness. The plugged pores of miliaria rubra (prickly heat) produce small red bumps, with or without sweat blisters.
Either way, miliaria tends to show up on covered parts of the skin, especially where there is friction from clothing. The forehead (under caps or visors), body folds, the upper back and chest, and the arms are the most common locations.
Often prickly heat itches in older children, and they often describe a 'prickly' sensation. What newborns feel remains a mystery.
The prickly heat rash can look quite similar to one caused by infected hair follicles (folliculitis), but if you look at the prickly heat bumps with a magnifying glass, no hair follicles will be seen
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Medical assistance should be sought for the first episode of a rash with the appearance of miliaria. The differential includes several conditions which an experienced practitioner should be able to recognise and may require treatment distinct from the usual measures taken for miliaria. In most cases the rash of miliaria will resolve without intervention. However, severe cases can last for a number of weeks and cause significant disability. General measures should be recommended for all patients, including moving to an air-conditioned environment if possible, avoiding sweat-provoking activities and occlusive clothing, and taking frequent cool showers.
Ideal for skin irritations,our specially formulated lotion cools areas affected by the superficial blisters and itchy, prickly bumps caused by heat rash. The soothing formula is a rich compound designed to medicate minor irritations. Simply apply Shuttle Lotion on the affected area as often as need
Itchy Skin (pruritus) refers to an unpleasant sensation that causes the need to scratch, commonly called itching by most people. Itching may be localized to a certain area of the body, or can be all over, or generalized. When there is a rash that goes along with the pruritus, the cause is usually easily determined and treated. However, the most difficult cases of pruritus are those without an associated rash. Itchy Skin and pain are closely related sensations, since the same nerves transmit both signals to the brain. When the area of skin is scratched, that same area may become even itchier, leading to more scratching. This is called the itch-scratch cycle. In general, pruritus can be related to a problem with the skin or another underlying disease of the body (systemic disease). When itching is localized to a particular area of skin, it usually is not caused by a systemic disease.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Shuttle Lotion's compund is perfectly designed to assist in the rapid recovery of several kinds of contact dermatitis. Scratching can lead to redness, inflammation, and open sores. Shuttle Lotion helps relieve all of these symptoms with its anti-itch formula that helps relieve the site on contact. Once applied the mild medication works with your body to assist in healing the skin. Strong enough to medicate affected areas on adults and gentle enough to use on babies
The Portuguese Man o' War (Physalia physalis), also known as the blue bubble, blue bottle, man-of-war, or the Portuguese man of war, is a jelly-like, marine invertebrate.
Painful raised red lesions in lines (consistent with contact with the tentacle.)
Muscle spasms may develop in the affected extremity.
The raised red lesions may develop into fluid filled lesions and may heal with pigmentation.
With extensive or repeated exposures systemic reactions can take place, such as; nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, muscle weakness and irregular heart rate may occur.
Other symptoms like, excessive tearing, runny nose and painful breathing.
First remove any adherent tentacles that will cause further delivery of venom. The tentacles should be lifted off the skin (don't scrape them off, this causes further stings).
Use a stick or some other object to remove the tentacle(s) so as not to get your fingers stung.
Next, rinse the affected area with sea water to wash away any adherent nematocysts. DO NOT use fresh water, since this will activate the nematocysts. DO NOT scrub as this will only activate the nematocysts and cause further venom delivery.
Luckily, nematocysts are inactivated by Shuttle Lotion! Not only will Shuttle Lotion relieve the pain but it will also help with relief of the persistent redness, inflammation or itchiness.
Measles is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus, specifically a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus. Morbilliviruses, like other paramyxoviruses, are enveloped, single-stranded, negative-sense RNA viruses. Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes and a generalized, maculopapular, erythematous rash.
Measles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious—90% of people without immunity sharing a house with an infected person will catch it. The infection has an average incubation period of 14 days (range 6-19 days) and infectivity lasts from 2-4 days prior to 2-5 days following the onset of the rash.
Symptoms of Measles:
The classical symptoms of measles include four day fevers, the three Cs—cough, coryza (runny nose) and conjunctivitis (red eyes). The fever may reach up to 40° Celsius (104° Fahrenheit).
The characteristic measles rash is classically described as a generalized, maculopapular, erythematous rash that begins several days after the fever starts. It starts on the head before spreading to cover most of the body, often causing itching. The rash is said to "stain", changing colour from red to dark brown, before disappearing
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
There is no cure for measles. Most patients with uncomplicated measles will recover with rest and supportive treatment. That supportive treatment is Shuttle Lotion. With its extraordinary compound it is perfectly designed to assist in the rapid recovery of skin irritations and pain caused by measles. Strong enough to medicate affected areas on adults and gentle enough to use on babies.
Miliaria (miliaria rubra, sweat rash, heat rash, or prickly heat) is a skin disease marked by small and itchy rashes. Miliaria is a common ailment in hot and humid conditions, such as in the tropics and during the summer season. Although it affects people of all ages, it is especially common in children and infants due to their underdeveloped sweat glands.
Symptoms of Prickly Heat:
There are two common types of miliaria. The plugged pores of miliaria crystallina result in pinpoint sweat blisters with no redness. The plugged pores of miliaria rubra (prickly heat) produce small red bumps, with or without sweat blisters.
Either way, miliaria tends to show up on covered parts of the skin, especially where there is friction from clothing. The forehead (under caps or visors), body folds, the upper back and chest, and the arms are the most common locations.
Often prickly heat itches in older children, and they often describe a 'prickly' sensation. What newborns feel remains a mystery.
The prickly heat rash can look quite similar to one caused by infected hair follicles (folliculitis), but if you look at the prickly heat bumps with a magnifying glass, no hair follicles will be seen
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Medical assistance should be sought for the first episode of a rash with the appearance of miliaria. The differential includes several conditions which an experienced practitioner should be able to recognise and may require treatment distinct from the usual measures taken for miliaria. In most cases the rash of miliaria will resolve without intervention. However, severe cases can last for a number of weeks and cause significant disability. General measures should be recommended for all patients, including moving to an air-conditioned environment if possible, avoiding sweat-provoking activities and occlusive clothing, and taking frequent cool showers.
Ideal for skin irritations,our specially formulated lotion cools areas affected by the superficial blisters and itchy, prickly bumps caused by heat rash. The soothing formula is a rich compound designed to medicate minor irritations. Simply apply Shuttle Lotion on the affected area as often as needed.
Sea lice are actually the microscopic larvae of jellyfish and other ocean stingers which contain the same nematocysts (stinging cells) as mommy and daddy. In many areas of the Gulf and Caribbean the primary culprit causing "sea lice" infestations is the larvae of the thimble jellyfish. These larvae, sometimes half a millimeter in length or smaller, can become trapped between the bathing suit and skin or in crevices like the armpit and compressed, causing the stinging cells to fire.
The larvae are large enough to be visible to the naked eye but become nearly invisible in the water - unfortunately the only reliable method of identifying when sea lice are present is by the appearance of the rash on other swimmers or divers. During summer months high concentrations of these stinging larvae may float in "clouds" or "blooms" that affect large areas of beach or ocean.
Symptoms of Sea Lice Bites:
Common symptoms of sea lice stings include an intensely itchy red rash with small blisters and elevated areas of skin. These painful and unsightly lesions may appear anywhere on the body but are often concentrated in areas covered by swimwear as large numbers of larvae often become trapped in these regions. Severe reactions to sea lice exposure may include fever, chills, headaches, nausea and vomiting, especially in children. Extreme allergic reactions may require hospitalization in rare cases.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
If you suspect you've been exposed to sea lice, exit the water immediately, remove your bathing suit, and shower thoroughly. Do not rinse with fresh water while still wearing the suit as this will cause the stinging cells still in the fabric to fire, releasing even more venom. Do not wear the same swimsuit again until it's been thoroughly machine washed and dried. Once clean, apply Shuttle Lotion to the affected areas a couple of times each day until the discomfort disappears. Shuttle Lotion is a great item to keep in any beach bag for all kinds of bites, itches and burns that can happen at the beach !!!
Swimmer’s itch, also known as duck itch, is a short-term, immune reaction occurring in the skin of humans that have been infected by water-borne trematode parasites. Symptoms, which include itchy, raised papules, commonly occur within hours of infection and do not generally last more than a week.
Symptoms of Swimmers Itch:
Within minutes to days after swimming in contaminated water, you may experience tingling, burning, or itching of the skin. Small reddish pimples appear within 12 hours. Pimples may develop into small blisters. Itching may last up to a week or more, but will gradually go away.
Because swimmer's itch is caused by an allergic reaction to infection, the more often you swim or wade in contaminated water, the more likely you are to develop more serious symptoms. The greater the number of exposures to contaminated water, the more intense and immediate symptoms of swimmer's itch will be.
Be aware that there are other causes of rash that may occur after swimming in fresh and salt water.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Swimmer’s itch can be soothed by Shuttle Lotion’s anti-itch formula that helps to calm redness and swelling while mildly medicating open sores. This gentle formula allows for multiple applications to be placed on the affected area daily.
Used as a topical treatment for minor and first degree burns caused by the sun, cooking, and various types of heat exposure, Shuttle Lotion works with your body to assist in a speedy recovery. The rich lotion helps cool areas of redness and inflammation while the medicating compound helps relieve minor swelling and oozing.
Mosquito bites are the itchy bumps that appear after mosquitoes use their mouth parts to puncture your skin and feed on your blood. The bump usually clears up on its own in a few days. Occasionally a mosquito bite causes a large area of swelling, soreness and redness. This type of reaction, most common in children, is sometimes referred to as skeeter syndrome.
Bites from mosquitoes carrying certain viruses or parasites can cause severe illness. Infected mosquitoes in many parts of the world transmit West Nile virus to humans. Other mosquito-borne infections include yellow fever, malaria and some types of brain infection (encephalitis).
Mosquito bite signs include:
More-severe reactions may be experienced by children, adults not previously exposed to the type of mosquito that bit them, and people with immune system disorders. In these people, mosquito bites sometimes trigger:
Children are more likely to develop a severe reaction than are adults, because many adults have had mosquito bites throughout their lives and become desensitized.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Use Shuttle Lotion Cream for a quick and simple relief for the itching, pain and discomfort caused by Mosquito Bites.
Poison ivy rash is caused by an allergic reaction to an oily resin called urushiol (u-ROO-she-ol). This oil is in the leaves, stems and roots of poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac.
Wash your skin right away if you come into contact with this oil, unless you know you're not sensitive to it. Washing off the oil may reduce your chances of getting a poison ivy rash. If you develop a rash, it can be very itchy and last for weeks.
You can treat mild cases of poison ivy rash at home with soothing lotions and cool baths. You may need prescription medication for a rash that's severe or widespread — especially if it's on your face or genitals.
Signs and symptoms of a poison ivy rash include:
Often the rash looks like a straight line because of the way the plant brushes against your skin. But if you come into contact with a piece of clothing or pet fur that has urushiol on it, the rash may be more spread out. You can also transfer the oil to other parts of your body with your fingers. The reaction usually develops 12 to 48 hours after exposure and lasts two to three weeks.
The severity of the rash depends on the amount of urushiol that gets on your skin. A section of skin with more urushiol on it may develop a rash sooner.
Your skin must come in direct contact with the plant's oil to be affected. Blister fluid doesn't spread the rash.
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Use Shuttle Lotion Cream for a quick and simple relief for the itching, pain and discomfort caused by Poison Ivy and the likes. Apply a coat of Shuttle Lotion over the affected areas.
A sunburn is a burn to living tissue such as skin produced by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, commonly from the sun's rays. Usual mild symptoms in humans and animals are red or reddish skin that is hot to the touch, general fatigue, and mild dizziness.
Typically there is initial redness (erythema), followed by varying degrees of pain, proportional in severity to both the duration and intensity of exposure.
Sunburn caused by extended exposure on a glacier.
Other symptoms are edema, itching, peeling skin, rash, nausea and fever. Also, a small amount of heat is given off from the burn caused by the concentration of blood in the healing process, giving a warm feeling to the affected area. Sunburns may be first- or second-degree burns.
The most important aspect of sunburn care is to avoid exposure to the sun while healing and to take precautions to prevent future burns. The best treatment for most sunburns is time. Given a few weeks, they will heal; however, Shuttle Lotion can help manage the discomfort or facilitate the healing process. Blistered skin, with or without open sores, should heal on its own, but consult appropriate sources for suggestions about whether or not you may need medical attention.
Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Although shingles can occur anywhere on your body, it most often appears as a single stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or the right side of your torso.
Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles.
While it isn't a life-threatening condition, shingles can be very painful. Vaccines can help reduce the risk of shingles, while early treatment can help shorten a shingles infection and lessen the chance of complications.
The signs and symptoms of shingles usually affect only a small section of one side of your body. These signs and symptoms may include:
Some people also experience:
Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash.
Most commonly, the shingles rash develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso. Sometimes the shingles rash occurs around one eye or on one side of the neck or face.
Contact your doctor promptly if you suspect shingles, but especially in the following situations:
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Shuttle Lotion can only treat the symptoms related to the Shingles but will provide temporary relief from itching and burning.
Fire corals are not true corals. Fire corals (Millepora alcicornis) are members of the Cnidaria phylum, and although fire coral looks like coral, it is a member of the class Hydrozoa and more closely related to jellyfish and other stinging anemones.
Fire corals are typically encountered off the Florida coast, in the Caribbean reefs and across the Bermuda platform.
In addition, fire corals are sessile (fixed in one place) creatures that can attach to rocks, coral, seaweed, or pilings.
The painful stings of M. alcicornis are inflicted using the cnidae (stinging threads), which are released from a cnidoblast on its surface. These are used to stun prey.
Fire coral have minimal toxicity.
These organisms inflict predominantly local pain, usually described as stinging or burning, and possible rash.
Fire corals have a bright yellow-green and brown skeletal covering and are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters.
Scuba divers often mistake fire coral for seaweed, and accidental contact is common.
The very small cnidoblast (an organ in some marine animals consisting of a minute capsule) on fire corals contain tentacles that protrude from numerous surface pores. In addition, fire corals have a sharp, calcified external skeleton that can scrape the skin.
Within 5-30 minutes following skin contact with fire coral, an immediate burning sensation or a stinging pain develops.
A red rash with raised wheals or vesicles appears, and itching develops.
Lymph gland swelling may occur over time.
Rarely, nausea and vomiting have been reported.
Fire coral cuts are treated like all other coral cuts.
Treatment of Fire Coral Cuts and Stings with Shuttle Lotion
Rinse with seawater. Avoid fresh water because it will increase pain.
Apply topical acetic acid (vinegar) or isopropyl alcohol. This treatment can inactivate the venom (toxin).
Remove any parts of the fire coral with tweezers or with tape after treating with acetic acid or isopropyl alcohol; this will help remove the toxin that causes the symptoms.
Immobilize the extremity because movement may cause the venom (toxin) to spread.
Apply Shuttle Lotion two to three times daily as needed for itching. Discontinue immediately if any signs of infection appear.
In severe cases, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
Rash is not a specific diagnosis. Instead it refers to any sort of inflammation and/or discoloration that distorts the skin's normal appearance.
Common rashes include eczema, poison ivy, hives, and athlete's foot.
Infections that cause rashes may be fungal, bacterial, parasitic, or viral.
Over-the-counter products may be helpful treatments for many skin rashes.
Rashes lasting more than a few days that are unexplained should be evaluated by a doctor.
symptoms, and signs of common types of noninfectious rashes
Blister formation
Skin ulceration
Skin discoloration
Bumps on skin
Treatment with Shuttle Lotion:
Most rashes are not dangerous. Many rashes last a while and get better on their own. It is therefore not unreasonable to treat symptoms like itchy and/or dry skin for a few days to see whether the condition gets milder and goes away. Simply Apply Shuttle Lotion to the affected area to feel relief.
Chiggers are very small and are almost impossible to see with the naked eye. At around 1/50th of an inch in size, most people require a magnifying glass to spot them. These mites resemble tiny spiders, are red in color, and tend to cluster in groups on a person's skin. They are only really visible when in groups.
Contrary to popular belief, chiggers do not burrow into the skin, feed on a person's blood, or carry disease. However, they do feed on human skin cells, although it is only the juvenile form of these mites that do this.
When biting a human, chiggers will insert their feeding structures into the skin. Before they can eat, the chiggers inject an enzyme into the skin to liquefy the tissue. This action makes a hole in the skin and then the skin around this hole hardens, forming a feeding tube, which is called a stylostome. Chiggers then feed on the destroyed tissue through this stylostome. If left undisturbed, the chiggers can feed for a couple of days.
Chiggers have delicate feeding structures. This means that they find it easier to penetrate a person's skin where there are wrinkles, folds, or where the skin is thinnest.
Because the skin hardens around the feeding area, most people develop reddish welts within 24 hours of being bitten, which are then followed by intense itching.
These bumps can resemble blisters, hives, welts, and pimples and tend to appear in groups. They will often grow in size for the next 7 days.
The itching may last for a week or longer if not treated.
If a person brushes up against grass or other vegetation where chiggers are present, these mites can quickly attach to their skin. If chiggers bite someone, there are a few things they can do.
Bath or shower: A person should take a bath or shower when they realize they have chigger bites. Scrubbing with soap and water is a good way to remove any other chiggers that may remain on the body. This will prevent further bites.
Apply Shuttle Lotion to the affected area
Contact dermatitis is a red, itchy rash caused by direct contact with a substance or an allergic reaction to it. The rash isn't contagious or life-threatening, but it can be very uncomfortable.
Many substances can cause such reactions, including soaps, cosmetics, fragrances, jewelry and plants.
To treat contact dermatitis successfully, you need to identify and avoid the cause of your reaction. If you can avoid the offending substance, the rash usually clears up in two to four weeks. You can try soothing your skin with cool, wet compresses, anti-itch creams and other self-care steps.
Contact dermatitis usually occurs on areas of your body that have been directly exposed to the reaction-causing substance — for example, along a calf that brushed against poison ivy or under a watchband. The rash usually develops within minutes to hours of exposure and can last two to four weeks.
A red rash
Itching, which may be severe
Dry, cracked, scaly skin
Bumps and blisters, sometimes with oozing and crusting
Swelling, burning or tenderness
Seek immediate medical care in the following situations:
You think your skin is infected. Clues include fever and pus oozing from blisters.
Your lungs, eyes or nasal passages are painful and inflamed, perhaps from inhaling an allergen.
You think the rash has damaged the mucous lining of your mouth and digestive tract.
Shuttle Lotion Treatment:
Apply Shuttle Lotion to help soothe the rash of contact dermatitis. Can be applied one or two times a day for two to four weeks if necessary.
Oral medications. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe oral corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, antihistamines to relieve itching or antibiotics to fight a bacterial infection.
SKG Laboratories Inc.
American Hygienic Laboratories, Inc.1800 NE 114 St Suite T North Miami, FL 33181US
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